Update Fall 2015: This collection point is no longer functioning, sorry! Calais has gotten a lot bigger and the CMS group no longer organizes collections, so best to get in touch with charities there if you’re interested in donating.
We now have a permanent collection point for donations for Calais
Please bring donations to:
Müßiggang: Second-Hand-Buchladen
Oranienstr. 14a (Heinrichplatz)
10999 Berlin / Kreuzberg 36
Tel: 030 / 629 01 278 – buchladen@muessiggang.net
Kernöffnungszeit: 13-19 Uhr Mo-Fr
- Anfahrt mit Bus: M29 Haltestelle Heinrichplatz
- Anfahrt mit U-Bahn: U1 Görlitzer Bhf oder U1 Kottbusser Tor

What we need on the ground :
* Men’s Winter Clothing and Weather-Resistant Shoes- we really need this at the moment
* Medicine and Medical Supplies
* Tents, tarps and sleeping bags – we always need lots of them;
* Bikes, bike trailers and bike repair stuff – are always needed and really useful for people to stay mobile and get around;
* Pots, pans, utensils, plates, cups, cutlery – for people in the squats and jungles;
* Books, dictionaries, texts, zines etc – in any and all languages. Especially, English, French, Italian, Arabic, Pashto, Farsi, Tigrinya, Amharic and Greek;
* Games & music making – card games, board games, footballs, basketballs, and any instruments etc;
* Tools – for fixing stuff;
* Phones, phone chargers and sim cards;
* Cameras – we are always in need of good cameras as they are often damaged / destroyed by the police;